Can you express as creatively as your ideas are?
Can you persuasively present your proposals?
Can you effectively lead your team and earn their respect?
This intensive workshop exposes you to the internationally-acclaimed Toastmasters programme where you will learn from experienced speakers.
4-day Hands-On Experience
26 Nov (Sat), 2pm-5pm
01 Dec (Thurs), 7.30pm-10pm
10 Dec (Sat), 2pm-5pm
17 Dec (Sat), 2pm-5pm
Venue: Buona Vista Community Club conference room.
Registration fee at $72 - which works out to be only $18 per session of hands-on speech training.
Register now at Buona Vista CC.
Enjoy $12 discount when you sign up with PA card or with a friend or before 12 November 2011
If you have any enquiry, feel free to email us